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St Andrew’s Day!

As the nights draw in and the weather gets crisper, here in Scotland we are welcoming autumn and saluting all that makes Scotland glorious.  We want to invite our WeeBox Clan to join us in this and celebrate the bonds that we have between Scots and Scots-at-heart all across the world. 

What better day to do this than our national day, St. Andrew’s Day on the 30th November.  St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland and every year, Scots across the globe come together to celebrate him and our glorious country. Although St. Andrew never actually stepped foot in Scotland, there is a lovely story behind why he is our patron saint and has been since 1320.  

When King Angus of Scotland was preparing for battle in the 9th century, St Andrew came to him in a dream and promised victory.   On the day of the battle an ‘X’ (the symbol of St. Andrew) appeared in the sky. King Angus vowed that because of this, if they won he would name St. Andrew the patron saint of Scotland – and that is exactly what happened. This is also the origin story of our proud saltire flag.  Originating in 832 AD it is the oldest flag in Europe – a little known fact and one our nation is very proud of.

Here in Scotland we celebrate St. Andrews Day (‘Là Naomh Anndrais’ in Scottish Gaelic) in many different ways and different regions have different traditions. From ceilidhs and festivals to small family dinners, the ways of celebrating vary across the country. One thing’s for sure – there will be lots of whisky, haggis and performances of traditional Scots and Gaelic tunes.

St. Andrew doesn’t just represent Scottish culture to us at WeeBox but also our bonds that bind us together.  This has never been more important than with our global WeeBox Clan that we hold so dear, and especially at this difficult time.  From the very beginning, commemorating St. Andrew has built global connections and spread Scottish love all over the world. 

Preparing a Traditional Scottish Christmas

After a difficult year, we are so excited that here at WeeBox HQ it is officially Christmas time! Whether you have your Christmas tree up already or not, it’s never too early to enjoy a wee bit o’ Christmas cheer.

We want to introduce you to some Scottish Christmas traditions to create the perfect Scottish Christmas! 

Believe it or not, Christmas was banned for almost 400 years in Scotland after the Reformation and wasn’t recognised as a public holiday until 1958; until then it was just a normal working day for most Scots – can you imagine?! It’s very difficult to imagine what the festive period would have been like without Christmas lights shining in the streets and Christmas decorations in shop windows everywhere. Any Christmas celebrations before this would have been behind closed doors and although it might have been a low-key Christmas, this helped to make Christmas the family celebration that it is today – securing it as a time to bring loved ones close and celebrate the warmth and togetherness that Scots are so well known for.

Scots have more than made up for this period of limited festive celebrations and nowadays, Christmas time truly is one of the most wonderful times of the year in our bonnie country. In fact, the three most likely cities in the UK to have a white Christmas this year are all in Scotland. In years gone by, thousands of people would flock to Scottish cities such as Glasgow and Edinburgh to explore the Christmas markets and make the most of the festive atmosphere. There would be carol singing in the streets, families going to Christmas pantomimes and even Scottish pipers filling the Christmas lit streets with the sound of the bagpipes. 

When Christmas Eve arrives and we all get ready to settle down for the big day ahead, it is tradition to leave a wee dram and a mince pie out for Santa, as well as a wee carrot for Rudolph. Sláinte Santa! 

With the freezing temperatures, it probably won’t come as a surprise that many of our Christmas traditions include fire. Starting on Christmas Eve, the Cailleach – a piece of wood carved to represent ‘Old Woman Winter’ – is tossed into the fire to burn and ward off evil spirit. As the long-awaited Christmas morning arrives, families come together to see what treats lie under their Christmas tree – which will be beautifully decorated with ornaments!

You might be familiar with a festive yule log – a delicious desert enjoyed by many at this time of year. This Yule log tradition began all the way back in the 8th century when Viking families would save a log to be burned on the shortest day of the year and it was lit by the previous year’s log to bring prosperity and protection to everyone present. A more recent and common tradition involved burning a branch of Scottish rowan tree to chase away bad feeling between family and friends and bring everyone close together. 

After exchanging gifts, it’s time for the main event – Christmas dinner! While Scots will often enjoy the well-known turkey at dinner time, you’ll also find some Scottish classics to go along with it : 

  • Scotch broth – perfect for winter, this hearty dish includes many vegetables and is simply delicious.
  • Salmon – Scotland is known for having some of the world’s best salmon and so, fittingly, it can often be found at a Scottish family Christmas dinner. 
  • Clootie dumpling – what some may call the Scottish answer to Christmas pudding. It’s a very similar – and delicious – dish to the traditional pudding. You could even crown it with one of your Christmas cake toppers from November’s WeeBox to give it that finishing touch! 
  • Scottish cheeseboard – who doesn’t love a good cheeseboard at Christmas? Why not fill it up with delicious Scottish cheeses such as creamy Caboc – the oldest cheese in Scotland which is also covered in oatmeal; Lanark blue – made with sheep’s milk; Isle of Mull Cheddar; or lovely and soft Bonchester cheese. All served with bannock cakes of course. 

After dinner, let the festivities continue with some family games, a wee dram or maybe just a nap after all of that delicious Scottish food! 

There’s no denying that Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year – a time to relax and enjoy well deserved time with those closest to us. Here at WeeBox, we are just so happy to be able to share a wee bit of Scottish festive joy with you this month.

So whether we say ‘Merry Christmas’, ‘Blithe Yule’ (traditional Scots dialect), or ‘Nollaig Chirdheil’ (the traditional greeting in Gaelic), we hope you have the most magical time celebrating the festivities and relax and recuperate after what has been a very challenging year. After all, Hogmanay (New Years) is just round the corner… 

Clans and Scottish Ancestry | WeeBox

Everything you need to know about Scottish Clans

If you want an inspiring introduction to the world of Scottish clans, you’re in the right place.

WeeBox will take you through their history, Scottish clan colours, how to find out about your Scottish clan and how many clans there are in Scotland today. But let’s start at the beginning…

What does Clan mean?

Clan from the Gaelic ‘Clann’, it literally means children – as well as a broader meaning of kindred – and it’s this spirit that’s distilled into the Scottish consciousness, and still has a far-reaching resonance even today.

The Clan System in Scotland is synonymous with being part of a family, but it’s about so much more than just sharing a name. Historically, it was about being afforded protection, showing solidarity or even just a simple recognition that you were from a specific area of Scotland.

The history of Scottish Clans

Some of the origin stories of Scotland’s clans begin with the kinds of myths and legends that are usually reserved for Greek mythology. Some Clan Chiefs are said to have been descended from legendary Kings, warriors or heroes – but often, the reality was a bit more straightforward and borne from battle, political turmoil or rebellion.

Traditionally, these clans were from and held territories in the Scottish Highland and in the Borders of Scotland. And it’s in these strongholds that the clans’ influence still features heavily today.

How to find your Scottish Clan

It’s a bit more complicated than you might think.

Obviously having a ‘clan’ name helps – and any name starting with a ‘Mac’, a ‘Mc’, or a ‘McC’ will tend to have its ultimate origin in Scotland or Ireland. So if you have the same surname as a recognised clan in Scotland, then you already belong!

What’s lesser known is that some clans had an array of family names that weren’t the same as their leaders’ name, but were ‘tied’ to the Clan Chief via an offer of allegiance, tenancy or just a longing for the association with more powerful neighbours. These groups were called ‘septs’ and their unrelated surnames mean that your name could already be part of a wider clan too. There’s no official list, as some of these allegiances have been lost in the mists of time, but you can sometimes find long-forgotten connections in historical documents, church records and tales of heroic battles over the centuries.

What’s your Clan Tartan?

Nearly every Scottish clan has more than one tartan attributed to their surname – things like ‘dress’ tartan, for more formal occasions and ‘hunting’ tartan for hill and mountain expeditions – are just two variations.

Did you know that tartan was once banned in Scotland? The Dress Act of 1746 was designed to strip the clans of their identity and stop any further Jacobite uprisings. In fact, the wearing of tartan was banned for around 36 years, and it was the end of this ban that led to tartans and their myriad of distinct colours and associations with the clan system to truly resurrect itself within Scottish culture.

Now there are so many websites that you can just enter your name into, and it will show you if you have an official clan tartan or if your surname has an affiliation with one.

From an official perspective, the Lyon Court Books is the place where each clan tartan is officially recorded, but now there are so many modern tartans and bespoke patterns, that the rule now is if you love tartan, you can wear any tartan you want.

How many Clans are there in Scotland?

Based on historical records, there are around 500 clans in Scotland, but if you can’t find your own, we are over the moon to have you as part of our WeeBox Clan!

Our global WeeBox clan has a common goal to share the best of Scotland with Scots and Scots-at-heart all over the world. So no matter where you are, you can experience the story and soul of Scotland – from luxurious Scottish brands that pamper you, to award-winning Scottish designers and iconic labels. Every WeeBox is carefully curated around a monthly theme, with five bonnie gifts and treats, which are often exclusive and can’t be bought outside of Scotland, plus your WeeBlether magazine, WeeSounds Scottish soundtrack and exclusive Andy the Highlander virtual tour.

Dive into your Scottish roots with the August Ancestry WeeBox! Whether tracing your lineage or cherishing Scotland’s rich culture, this WeeBox brings your heritage closer. Join our global family and celebrate the pride and history of Scotland. Don’t miss out, order your August Ancestry WeeBox now!

Scottish Winter Wonderland

Well, WeeBox Clan, the end of 2020 is finally here and it’s been a year like no other that’s for sure.

What better way to say goodbye to 2020 and hello to a fresh start than with a traditional Scottish Hogmanay at home!

With New Year’s Eve just around the corner, let us take you on a journey to create your own Scottish Hogmanay with ancient traditions and the help of our carefully curated December ‘Scottish Winter Wonderland’ WeeBox gifts.  So join us in a countdown to midnight as we guide you through a braw Scottish Hogmanay.

Getting ‘yer hoose’ in order for Hogmanay

First things first, we need to prepare the house for a brand new year. Scottish tradition goes that before the celebrations can begin, your house must be sparkling from top to toe to create a clean state for the year ahead. 

When your house is bonnie and bright, you can prepare it for your Hogmanay hootenanny.  Lay your table with trimmings of tartan, display good Scottish tidings like your “lang may yer lum reek’ plaque, decant your finest whisky and prepare your feast.

‘Lang may yer lum reek’ is one of our most beloved sayings and is still used today.  It means ‘long may your chimney smoke’ and is a way to wish someone a long and healthy life … the perfect sentiment for 2021.  It’s also time to take down your 2020 calendars and replace them with your WeeBox 2021 calendar, we hope you can fill it with days of happiness!

Hogmanay Hootenanny 

Now that your home is prepared, there is only one more thing to do before we’re ready for the new year – celebrate! 

In the hours before midnight, there are many things that Scots love to do to say goodbye to the last year. As well as Scottish food and drink, there is often a rousing ceilidh dance (pronounced kay-lee) which gets you in the party spirit! 

Many travel from all over the world to experience the famous Edinburgh Hogmanay street party.  Sadly cancelled this year, but for the first time ever, it’s going online!  So, kick off your Hogmanay celebrations at home with this 3 night series. You can Get Involved Here ?

Before you know it, the countdown will be on to midnight. When your bonnie Scott Innes thistle clock, inside the December WeeBox, strikes midnight we call that ‘bringing in the bells’. 

It’s time for a classic rendition of ‘Auld Lang Syne’. All across Scotland and indeed the world, you will hear the words of our beloved Robert Burns ‘Auld Lang Syne’ echo as we sing of times passed which should not be forgotten. 

After midnight, it would traditionally be time for what might be the most widely practiced Scottish Hogmanay ritual – first footing. Harking back to Viking times, first footing is visiting the house of a neighbour or loved one, being the first to cross the threshold in the new year.  According to custom, the first person to visit is an indication of the year to come and are always treated with traditional Scottish hospitality. 

Everyone is welcome – as long as they bring a gift. A traditional gift could be coal – to bring warmth – or salt for health. Another common gift is Scottish shortbread, just like the delicious ‘first footing’ shortbread in your December WeeBox.  This year we know there will be less visiting, so why not wrap up warm in your Scottish beanie, head out and enjoy the air of a new year and come back to enjoy a wee bit of your shortbread – be your own first footer! 

We hope you enjoy your Scottish hogmanay celebrations, WeeBox Clan! Thank you so much for letting us be a part of them! We just love sharing wee bits of Scottish happiness with you every month and we can’t wait to share all the surprises we have in store for 2021.

Lang may yer lum reek WeeBox Clan! X

Supporting Small Scotland: No. 7 The Wee Book Company

Winner’s of the Scots language award 2020 and beloved producers of the most uplifting Scottish books, The Wee Book Company is one of Scotland’s newest and most exciting book ventures.

We first met back in 2018, the year they incorporated and discovered an immediate connection between The Wee Book Company and WeeBox – both full of Scots fun, energy and with a mission to spread love and positivity!  Susan Cohen the talented director and author behind their words, is an inspiration and a real force of positivity!  We fell in love with her and her books immediately.

This gorgeous wee poem was penned by Susan to salute the WeeBox Clan and our team who work tirelessly to spread Scottish happiness  – we hope you love it as much as we do!

The Wee Book Company has shared their joyous books in some of our previous WeeBoxes, and not to give away too much … but look out for another cracker in our February WeeBox! You won’t want to miss it!

To say ‘thank you’, Susan would also like to offer you an exclusive discount.

Use DISCOUNT CODE: WEEBOX2020 for 20% off across all books on The Wee Book Company website

 (valid until 1st April 2021)

✨You can support Susan and the team by following and liking The Wee Book Company  ✨

?Facebook: @theweebookcompany 

?Instagram: @theweebookcompany

?Twitter: @theweeboxco_

? Visit their online shop:

Spooky, Scottish Samhain – 10 did you knows!

This month we are honoured to bring you a guest ‘Blether’ or blog from much loved Lilly Hurd – known to many as ‘Find Her in the Highlands’ fame! We have always loved following Lilly’s Scottish adventures and when we approached Lilly to collaborate, this special spooky season of Samhain seemed liked a perfect fit. So sit back and enjoy … we turn the WeeBox ‘Blether’ over to the beloved Lilly.

“I adore the Halloween season. So. Much. Fun. And I adore Scotland, the land of my ancestors where Halloween’s roots run deep. I recently had a chat with my friends Annie and Jenny at Stories of Scotland Podcast, and it inspired me to read up on Scottish Halloween traditions. Here’s a quick list of 10 things I learned that you might like to know about Halloween in Scotland!

The Veil Between Worlds

A key recurring theme of Halloween traditions is that the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is very thin. This means it’s easy for the dead, (and perhaps other ghoulish things!) to pass through to the living world, and equally as easy for the living to get trapped in the land of the dead! This “thin space” sets the scene for many Halloween traditions.


Halloween is rooted in the ancient festival of Samhain. This marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. The details of the origins are shrouded in mystery but it involved a lot of fire, gathering together of the community, being thankful for a good period of light and harvest and hopeful for a safe winter, or dark period. It was a time of celebration but also of great caution. The belief that the dead walked among the living during this time made it risky business to be out and about! Fire and disguise were key tactics to staying safe from evil spirits.


This term comes from “disguising” and involves dressing up so as to blend in with spirits wandering around on Halloween. Blending in could be as simple as turning your coat inside out, to putting on your Mom’s dress or a sack over your head. Guisers would go door to door performing for treats, which might come in the form of fruit, money or sweets.

Guising costumes could also help scare any spirits. Here’s a great photo of some guisers in the 1930s – I don’t know about you but I think they’re more terrifying than any modern costumes! 

Image Source: Margaret Fay Shaw Collection, Canna House. National Trust for Scotland


You might think of sweet delicate little things but Scottish faeries tend to be quite mischievous and sometimes downright mean. You’ve got to keep your wits about you on Halloween as these creatures are looking for trouble and thanks to that thin veil again, they can easily walk amongst the living!


Predictions about future relationships were a big part of Halloween tradition. Thanks to the thin veil, it‘s the ideal time to get the clearest predictions for the future. Pick cabbage or kale to predict the height, size and financial status of your future spouse. Toss a shoe over the house, and the direction in which it pointed would indicate where your suitor would be. Peel an apple and see the likeness of your love in the reflection of the peel.

Nut burning

Another divination tradition involved placing nuts in the fire. Couples could test their relationship odds by observing the behaviour of roasting nuts. If the nuts roasted smoothly and peacefully, it was a good sign for your relationship. If they sizzled and popped and bounced around, well you might be in for a rocky road!

Image Source: 

Halloween Poems

Robert Burns penned a well known Halloween poem in 1785, aptly titled “Halloween”. But I found a lesser known poem written in 1780 by a contemporary poet named John Mayne. It is also titled “Halloween” and it starts out like this:

Of a’ the festivals we hear,

Frae Handsel-Monday till New Year,

There’s few in Scotland held mair dear

For mirth, I ween,

Or yet can boast o’ better cheer,

Than Hallowe’en.

Both poems are wonderful examples of Scots writing and delightful glimpses into Halloween traditions. Full versions of both poems can be found here:

John Mayne:

Robert Burns:

Dookin’ for apples

Also known as bobbing for apples, many are familiar with this tradition. Its pretty simple – put a whole bunch of apples in a tub of water, and try to get them using only your mouth. I remember doing this as a kid and mostly just coming up with water up my nose instead of an apple in my mouth – I clearly hadn’t mastered the technique!

Treacle Scones

Similar to dookin’ for apples, this involves scones suspended on strings. The scones would be covered with treacle, known to some as molasses. Participants would try to take bites out of the scones with their hands behind their backs. Here’s a recipe for scones if you want to give it a try yourself, just prepare to get messy!


The tumshie is also known as a turnip or neep lantern. These root vegetables are painstakingly hollowed out and transformed into spooky lanterns to scare away evil spirits. (I highly recommend a great new children’s book called Tumshie by Mark Mechan!)–the-forgotten-halloween-turnip-lantern-by-mark-mechan/

Here’s my very first teeny tiny tumshie, which I carved in Aberdeenshire. That grin says it all – it’s a right of passage all right!

Image Source: Find Her in the Highlands

Thanks so much for reading my Halloween tid bits! This was just a tiny taste of the rich culture around Halloween in Scotland. I hope it piques your curiosity to learn more, and inspires you to try out some of these traditions for yourself!”

Lilly x

About Lilly:

Lilly MacKenzie Hurd is an American writer, storyteller and photographer who is passionate about Scotland, her ancestral home. While working in corporate Boston in 2016, she decided to trade her high heels for hiking boots. She now spends much of her time exploring off the beaten path and writing about Scottish heritage on her blog “Find Her in the Highlands.” Her community Scottish Wanderlust sprung up around her blog and is a place for folks around the world to unite around the love of Scotland. Lilly is currently working on two historical novels, one set in a West Coast Scottish lighthouse and the other set in 7th Century Pictish Scotland.

Your Cosy ‘Coorie In’ WeeBox

‘Coorie in’ 

(Coo-ree in) // verb.

Hold close in one’s arms as a way of showing love. (Example: huv a wee coorie in, hen)

September’s WeeBox brings you the joy of our beloved Scottish word ‘coorie’ or ‘coorie in’. Ask any Scot about their memories and notions of coorie and more often than not you’ll hear stories of their wee granny, patting the seat next to them and telling them to come and ‘coorie in’ – it might have been a bit of a tight squeeze but it was always cosy. 

This month, your wee purple box brings you all the ingredients you need to get cosy, Scottish style.  So, sit back, relax and take a journey to find out where the notion of coorie came from and why it is so important today. 

The art of coorie has been around for hundreds of years here in Scotland. In its very origins, the word coorie means to bend, squat or shrink and then developed to represent the support of a loved one – or to snuggle. When mining became a big part of Scotland’s story in the 17th and 18th centuries, there emerged a popular poem, recited to wee ones by their relatives as their fathers worked hard, in grim conditions, down the mines.

It was called ‘The Miner’s Lullaby’: 

Your daddy coories doon, my darling

Doon in a three foot steam

So you can coorie doon, my darling

Coorie doon, and dream

Over the years, it has become more of a way of life in Scotland and now can be understood as a way to deal with stresses of the everyday by enjoying the simple things around us, combining the wee things with our oldest traditions to create a sense of comfort and warmth. 

Nowadays, ‘to coorie’ can be made up of anything you want it to be and has developed from a word for a wee cuddle to a full lifestyle trend, comprising lots of important elements of Scottish living. For some, coorie is all about cosy settings and bringing comfort – settling down in front of a fire with your family and a delicious hot chocolate, wrapped in blankets and playing card games. For others, coorie means food and creating delicious Scottish recipes – perhaps a Scotch broth, something hearty that can be enjoyed as the nights get colder and your hame gets cosier. 

Whichever coorie appeals to you is the right one – it’s all about creating a home grown experience that is as soothing to you as the word sounds. It can be as luxurious as you need it to be, it’s all about getting in touch with your surroundings to evoke a warm feeling of togetherness and love. 

Here at WeeBox, we are embracing that togetherness and love as our version of coorie. We want it to be about cosy family time, cuddles and beautiful surroundings.    Our gifts to you this month were curated to help you evoke a sense of coorie in the sanctuary of your own home. 

One thing that we’ve all learned this year, is that life can be unexpected and sometimes difficult.  However, with your wee purple box and the love from our global WeeBox Clan, we want you to find comfort in your own home.  With your loved ones around, make the most of the small, simple things – with a wee dash of Scottish happiness too. 

The Highland Chocolatier’s hot chocolate

This September, indulge with Iain Burnett, The Highland Chocolatier – Scotland’s most awarded Master Chocolatier 

We are proud to bring you this luxuriously decadent hot chocolate inside your September ‘Coorie In’ WeeBox.

Recognized with over 40 awards, Iain’s chocolate has graced many famous tables – and now yours! This artisan, gourmet hot chocolate is perfect to ‘coorie in’ with or enjoy over ice.

Iain’s client list is not just impressive but extensive … including British Airways First Class, as well as some of the best hotels and several Michelin Star chefs throughout the UK.  

To enjoy yours, Iain recommends the following,

“My hot chocolate is best added to warm milk ie. after the heating has started, as it stirs in more easily.

Create a milkshake or luxurious hot chocolate by adding at least 2 heaped dessert spoons for each mug of milk.  To make it even smoother, warm the mixture, mix on high speed with the blade of a hand blender, then bring to the boil.  Enjoy with marshmallows or over ice!”

Iain hopes that you enjoy this hot chocolate as much as he loved creating it.

We are off to visit the home of Scotland’s most awarded chocolatier soon to discover the best dark & white truffles in the world (International Chocolate Awards) & sample their range of unique, handmade chocolates.  

Iain’s guided Chocolate Tasting is very popular and he has recommended we come early in the morning, both for a more private experience and because our palate will be fresher so we can taste more.  Iain also recommends to catch your palate at its most sensitive, keep your chocolate under your bed at 18C and eat first thing in the morning before breakfast – we don’t have to be told twice!

Watch this space for our visit coming soon.

Hot Chocolate Ingredients: sugar, cocoa mass, fat-reduced cocoa powder, natural vanilla flavouring.  Minimum 48% cocoa solids, best before 25/5/22. 100g.

Scottish Afternoon Tea

“Life is like a cup of tea, to be filled to the brim and enjoyed with clan’

This month, your August WeeBox transports you to the rolling hills of Scotland for a traditional Scottish Afternoon Tea experience.  Savour rustically simple food, perfectly brewed tea and stunning table pieces to set the scene, even a treat to wear to look the part!  We will take you through the ritual of a delightful Afternoon Tea to be indulged and created in the comfort of your own home – even just throw down a tartan rug!

Ready to enjoy a wee spot of tea? 

Afternoon Tea started in Scotland in the 1600s when workmen would come home from work for ‘tea’ to enjoy cheeses, pickles, breads and the occasional cheeky steak pie. After a long day of working the land, these men needed a good substantial meal to replenish them.

The notion of an afternoon tea was then developed by one of Queen Victoria’s (who was an ardent fan of Scotland, especially our glorious highlands) ladies in waiting. She found herself feeling blue around 4pm and would have her servants bring her tea and cakes.  Eventually the idea took off and she began to invite friends over to share in the magic and just like that, Afternoon Tea as we know it today was born.  

Today Scottish hotels, restaurants and cafes recreate the magic of Afternoon Tea as a fabulous, social experience and as an indulgence to be revelled in!

Here are our top 3 picks of places to enjoy a truly unique Scottish Afternoon Tea experience when you can visit our shores again.

1. The Torridon Hotel, Highlands

Lose track of time over a delectable Afternoon Tea in their 1887 Restaurant with stunning views across the still waters of the loch to the mountains.  The delicious homemade cakes and jams are matched only by the breathtaking scenery!

2. Kinloch Lodge, Isle of Skye

Kinloch can be discovered in a particularly beautiful part of the island: down a long drive, at the foot of a mountain and at the head of Loch na Dal.  It is also the ancestral home of Lord and Lady MacDonald and their world-class Afternoon Tea there is an experience like no other.  To be enjoyed with Kinloch fizz, you can expect elegant Aultbea smoked salmon & cucumber finger sandwiches and homemade Nairn strawberry tartlet.

3. Red Bus Bistro, Edinburgh

What fun! For something to really write home about, why not take Afternoon Tea on a vintage red bus while seeing the sights of our historic capital!  While nibbling your sandwiches and sipping your Brodies tea or a teapot brimming with gin cocktail, the bus will whisk you around some of Edinburgh’s historic highlights including Edinburgh Castle.  A day to remember!

Inspired now by some of our most unique Afternoon Tea destinations, why not recreate your own at home!  The August WeeBox is brimming with gifts to help you set the scene and bring Scotland to your table – enjoy WeeBox Clan and remember to add the fizz!

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